Starting over

Last summer, my husband and I retired and moved to a new city to be closer to family. More precisely, my husband retired. I am now returning to coaching parish and diocesan leaders and writing, less full-time than in the past. It is a time to start over, to reflect on our lives up to now and to make the most of this new phase of life.

Of course, moving leads to sorting, sifting through possessions and asking the questions, over and over, “Have I used this in the past year? Will I ever need it again? Could someone use it more than me?” This was more than an exercise in determining how much stuff we wanted to move. It was a process of ensuring that our possessions don’t possess us and a renewed commitment to contribute positively to others whenever, however we can.

I have decided to apply the same principle to the ministry that I offer through Catholic Life and Faith. I hope to listen to the real challenges you face as a pastoral leader at this time. I plan to let go of what isn’t serving well in order to create space for something new and hope we’ll grow together as a result.

For those who joined the CLF Community site, I hope you’ll connect here. You will find many complimentary resources on the site and can subscribe to Impact, find conference materials, and link to books on the site. I plan to post occasionally, hoping that we will make this a place where we can share, explore, and learn with one another. Contact me here with resource requests or to schedule coaching time.

Comments are always open and appreciated on the posts here. Share your thoughts - when has starting over been challenging for you? When has it brought unexpected grace or peace? What pastoral leadership challenge are you facing this year?

Take a Step Forward in Faith

Making a commitment to live and grow as a disciple requires ongoing reflection, prayerful discernment, and the willingness to tackle the parts of our lives that are not in keeping with the gospel. There are moments in the course of most years that call for such reflection in special ways -- the start of a new year, the season of Lent, a time of life transition, are all times in which reflecting on one's life in light of faith makes a lot of sense. But then again, such reflection makes sense every day! 

I am blessed to have the opportunity to develop simple resources for people and for parish leaders for Twenty-Third Publications, which they graciously give away. This month's resource is called Take a Step Forward in Faith. It includes a self-assessment and questions for discussion and sharing. Here is the link.

Please share the link with your friends and colleagues, and return here with your thoughts, insights, and reflections, as we continue to live and grow in faith together, as grateful disciples. -- Leisa Anslinger

Becoming Grateful Disciples

What does it mean to be a Grateful Disciple? This is what we will consider in the Grateful Disciples blog. Our blog contributors do not promise life-altering insights. We do promise honest reflection on what it means to live as a follower of Jesus Christ in our world today. Our perspective is that recognizing the abundant gifts of life, relationships, faith, talents and resources changes the ways in which we live our lives. We will bring that perspective to our musings here. We ask you to be involved with us in these reflections. Not only do we invite you to comment, we ask you to do so. Add your insights, thoughts, challenges, and experiences to the mix. We will all be richer for the conversation and the growth that comes from opening our minds and hearts to the Holy Spirit together. 

In gratitude, Leisa Anslinger